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     In the most ideal working environment, teams would live, share, and thrive with a shared sense of unity and direction. They would feel excitement, engagement, and a synergy of personal and organizational cohesion.  They would be empowered with growth and development opportunities, all while enhancing the customer experience. They would have shared values and shared vision , which in turn would create a successful, profitable, and socially conscious organization. 


The Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) are one of the most detailed and comprehensive cultural diagnostics and values assessment instruments available to leaders and organizations today.  These tools, through the assistance of a certified practitioner, are designed to support leaders in building high-performance, values-driven cultures that attract and keep talented people and increase staff engagement.


The CTT surveys provide the input you need to plan and manage your:

              -Change initiatives

              -Cultural transformation programs

              -Diversity interventions

              -Talent management

              -Leadership development initiatives

              -Customer feedback


They make the intangibles tangible and provide lead indicators for measuring individual and collective performance.


The Barrett Model  as described on their website ( does not set out a fixed pattern of culture effectiveness, instead it provides a far more open framework which creates a dialogue for unique circumstances, rather than fitting into a pre-determined model of good. The CTT survey instruments have been used to map the values of all types of organizations, as well as nations, communities and schools.


  • Provides leaders with a way of managing the cultural evolution of their organization as they would manage their finances.

  • The results can generate deep meaningful conversations about the purpose and strategy of the organisation and the well-being of all stakeholders.

  • Provides a road map for achieving high performance, resilience, and long-term sustainability.



  • Individuals, Teams, and Organizations - CTT can be used for individual coaching, leadership development, organizational or team transformation, and whole system change.

  • Short Survey - The assessment instruments are available on-line and require only 10-15 minutes to complete.

  • Customizable - The assessment instruments can be customized to the specific cultural and demographic needs of the groups being surveyed.

  • Demographics - The richness of the survey data is determined by the depth of demographic categories chosen. There is no limit to the number of demographic categories you can choose.

  • Affordable – The tools are affordable for both small and large organizations. Costs are based on the number of reports requested, not the number of survey participants. Reduced fees are available for primary and secondary educational institutions.

  • Multiple Languages - The survey is currently available in multiple languages or written dialects. Additional languages can easily be added. Diagnostic diagrams are also available in multiple languages, while written reports are produced only in English.

  • Fast Turnaround - A Cultural Values Assessment typically goes from survey initiation to reporting in two to four weeks.




Find out what is important to you by taking a Capture Your Power™ Personal Values Assessment (PVA).


Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions, are all connected to your personal values.

Your values reflect what is important to you. They are a shorthand way of describing your motivations. Together with your beliefs, they are the causal factors that drive your decision-making.

The Personal Values Assessment is a simple survey that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information about why you do what you do.





Once you complete your Capture Your Power™ Personal Values Assessment (PVA), an email will be sent to you with the email you provided containing your results. Look at your results and read the report.


If you have questions or want to learn more about your values, contact Mark at to schedule a free 30 minute values consultation session.

© 2019 Capture Your Power LLC

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